Saturday, March 5, 2016

Two lil' feet

Our home just grew by two feet!

And so begins a new journey with our baby boy, S...
A journey that keeps surprising and overwhelming us with each passing day, as we fumble and find our way through this incredible maze called parenthood.

To first steps and tiny tales then!


  1. Many many congratulations! Your absence from Blogdom is now understood. I wish you three all the best as you embark on this chapter of love and growth and learning.

    1. Thank you so much for your good wishes. Hope everything on that little seaside abode is going well; I'm hoping to play catch up in Blogdom soon. Take care. Xx.

  2. Hello Suman,
    Congratulations and how exciting to have those tiny feet join you. I wish him the best this world can offer and may he be blessed with gifts of great magnitude and his heart full of love and joy.
    Helen xx

    1. Thank you, Helen, for all the wonderful things you've said. Hope you're doing well. I'm hoping to get back to this part of my world soon!
      Take care. Xx.

  3. How wonderful! wishing you and your little family all the happpiness in the world.


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