Saturday, November 19, 2011

Of birds and berries

As I try to compose a post, something lighthearted and weekend-y, it snows in little white drops. Like a bunch of mint candies hurled from a confused, careworn sky. Out of habit I gaze dreamily outside my favourite space - a glowing canvas of tall evergreens, ruddy autumnberries and golden big leaf maples framed by the window. I wonder how empty and forlorn a look the place has suddenly worn. One that was bursting with the cackle of thrilled, berry-struck robins just an hour ago. How madly elated they looked, equally rampant and restless in their perch and take off as well. Sitting, picking, nibbling, fluttering, all at the same time. 
I could not understand what was their hurry though. For, if I were one of the fortunate them with a pair of wings and a whole tree laden with the juiciest of treasures, I would have lazed there for days. Drawing manna sip by sip from the plump berries, dancing in between shades of the leaves and boughs, what a life it would be. 

But the mere mortal that I am, I had to resolve to the next and the only best thing - run for the camera. I could only catch hold of these two saintly souls, one contemplating and the other with a clear look of disapproval of the peeking patio-paparazzi. 

Happy weekend, y'all! 

"What is this life, if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare."

~ William Henry Davies, Leisure


  1. :) The pictures are amazing, and the post breezy, exactly as you intended them to be I am sure...

  2. The snow changes a landscape. Birdwatching is a real pleasure. As flowers, birds are so beautiful. And joyful. Your pictures are great!

  3. Sunny, thank you!

    Som, totally breezy!

    Celine, true, but it hardly snows in Seattle.:-( Yes, one can spend hours watching birds and their little antics.

    Tina's PicStory, thank you for dropping by!

    Amish Stories, thank you for the visit, Richard. Wish you a very happy Thanksgiving.


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